Cumberland Foreside Bathroom

When the clients have a clear vision of what they want, it jumpstart the project. Merideth and her husband Bob were such a client. They were undaunted by the fact that their current “ridiculously impractical and dark” bathroom was tiled, with cabinetry built in. They wanted more space and light! The first order of business was to completely demolish the existing tiled shower, walls, and floor. The tub and radiator baseboard heat were removed.

The existing smaller window was removed and framing for a new larger casement window was constructed. The uneven floor was leveled. The shower structure was created and the shower bed poured. All surfaces were prepared for wallboard and tile. Joe Discatio, of Customized Plumbing & Heating, in Westbrook plumbed the shower, heating, and toilet.

The contrast between the Italian marble style of the floor tiles and the rustic grotto appearance of the shower tiles, created a striking aesthetic. This was further accentuated with the addition of plants and wrought iron patio furnishing in the shower area. Near the completion of the project, a litter box enclosure, designed by Merideth was added to the room decor.

A built-in wardrobe and walnut sink cabinet was custom made to complete the furnishing.

“We love the way it turned out!” – Merideth (owner)

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