Casco Bay Seaside Sanctuary

It is almost counter-intuitive to begin a project by first subtracting 1/3 of its value via a demolition of its addition. This was phase one. It took about one week to bring down. From this blank slate, we began the process of re-construction.


Planning Stage

Fern on the plans.

Portland is a difficult city to build in. Its zoning requirements are comprehensive, and its processes are intensive. Therefore an elaborate set of architectural plans was required. Once all the legal boxes were checked, we were good to go. Though it isn’t common to build a house in winter, we regard this opportunity with the deepest appreciation. What an honor to create someones home!

As anyone who has worked on old Maine houses will tell you, integrating the new with the old can be challenging. No set of plans can totally prepare one for what comes up. Fortunately we’ve dealt with just about everything that lurks in the walls of an old home.

“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” – Henry David Thoreau


Scenes from the site: Demo and site prep

Portland Maine oceanfront Property Builders Planning



Under construction.


Closing in on the finish.

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